The Personality Profiler

Every change begins in us
Dalai Lama

LINC Personality Profiler as a spark for real development

What is the LPP

LPP stands for LINC Personality Profiler, a precise personality test developed by social scientists at the LINC Institute Lüneburg, a spin-off of the University of Lüneburg, based on the famous Big 5 factors.

The LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER represents a new approach in the field of personality analysis and development. A business psychology-based online personality test based on the BIG 5, it creates a highly differentiated profile of character traits, motives and competencies and offers further development at the highest level.

The individual results enable a completely new view of one’s own personality and thus become – ideally in combination with training or coaching – the starting point for real, sustainable further development.

What would happen if

  • competences of employees would be used in the best possible way
  • only the most suitable candidates would be placed in the positions that really suit them
  • character traits and motives would be in perfect harmony and serve your company better
  • cooperation in teams would be more harmonious and goal-oriented
  • you would finally have clarity as to which career ladder is really yours
  • you would no longer feel rushed and stressed in your leadership position

How does a company support its employees,...


LINC Personality Profiler | Stress management in companies

…to develop your own personality in order to use its full potential? The BIG 5 is the most effective and sought-after tool of modern business management based on scientific findings to give much more space to the dimensionality and strengths of a company, including its teams and external impact.

The individual personality structures with the BIG 5 character traits, the motives and the competences of both individuals and entire teams become visible at a glance.

The basis for this serious science instead of pseudo-psychology is provided by the Personality Profiler – a precise personality test developed by the LINC Institute Lüneburg which, in addition to the comprehensive analysis, experiences a high level of acceptance through convincing mediation and sensitises entire teams to different personality styles.

The reasons in facts


serious science
instead of pseudo-psychology ➡︎
Most personality tests on the market claim to be scientifically based. However, in many cases this is not true, or only to a very limited extent.
The PERSONALITY PROFILER, on the other hand, is consistently based on the BIG 5, which, according to unanimous expert opinion, is THE standard model of modern personality psychology.

Thousands of high-quality, empirical scientific studies confirm time and again the high quality of the BIG FIVE model and its superiority over other approaches.


holistic recording and
description of the personality ➡︎
The PERSONALITY PROFILER enables a comprehensive, holistic assessment and description of the human personality. In line with the findings of modern personality psychology, the character traits of the BIG 5 are supplemented by motives ("What drives me") as well as competencies ("Which skills are particularly suited to me").

This combination offers the user very deep, differentiated insights into his or her own personality - and coaches, trainers or personnel developers numerous exciting starting points for further measures.


science instead
of pseudo-psychology

Most personality tests on the market claim to be scientifically based. However, in many cases this is not true, or only to a very limited extent. The PERSONALITY PROFILER, on the other hand, is consistently based on the BIG 5, which, according to unanimous expert opinion, is THE standard model of modern personality psychology. Thousands of high-quality, empirical scientific studies confirm time and again the high quality of the BIG FIVE model and its superiority over other approaches.


recording and description
of the personality

The PERSONALITY PROFILER enables a comprehensive, holistic assessment and description of the human personality. In line with the findings of modern personality psychology, the character traits of the BIG 5 are supplemented by motives („What drives me“) as well as competencies („Which skills are particularly suited to me“). This combination offers the user very deep, differentiated insights into his or her own personality – and coaches, trainers or personnel developers numerous exciting starting points for further measures.


high acceptance through
convincing mediation ➡︎
An essential differentiating feature of the PERSONALITY PROFILER (besides the scientific goodness) is the easily accessible, understandable and contemporary communication of the results.
No "technical jargon", no excessive complexity - instead a modern, visually very appealing design with very apt and inspiring texts.

This ensures excellent user acceptance, arouses interest to deal with the topic of personality and to trigger self-reflection.


One tool -
multiple applications ➡︎
One personality test - many solutions: The PERSONALITY PROFILER is very well suited for the topics of personnel development, personnel selection, team development, leadership training, coaching, professional and career counselling and much more. 
Please contact me if you would like to know more about the possible applications of the PERSONALITY PROFILER:
• LPP Personality CHECK & Career Planning
• LPP Candidate-CHECK
• LPP External Assessment
• Leadership Training & Coaching


mediation and high acceptance

An essential differentiating feature of the PERSONALITY PROFILER (besides the scientific goodness) is the easily accessible, understandable and contemporary communication of the results. No „technical jargon“, no excessive complexity – instead a modern, visually very appealing design with very apt and inspiring texts. This ensures excellent user acceptance, arouses interest to deal with the topic of personality and to trigger self-reflection.


applications in one tool

One personality test – many solutions: The PERSONALITY PROFILER is very well suited for the topics of personnel development, personnel selection, team development, leadership training, coaching, professional and career counselling and much more. 
Please contact me if you would like to know more about the possible applications of the PERSONALITY PROFILER:

  • LPP Personality CHECK & Career Planning
  • LPP Team-CHECK
  • LPP Candidate-CHECK
  • LPP External Assessment
  • Leadership Training & Coaching

Content information of a LINC Personality Profiler Report

Results LPP

In addition to the graphic overview of all results and your personality development code, the evaluation includes (depending on the field of application) a detailed description of your personality or that of your team. Questions of external perception („How do others see you?“) are clarified and provide information about your behaviour patterns in dealing with others. The result report very precisely reflects your central motives and you become much more aware of your core competencies. All this provides insights and hints for communication with other personality types, from which you can also learn.

To applicants and private individuals

You would like

Then contact me, receive an LPP report and, if you wish, a professional evaluation interview and coaching.

To companies & executives

The LINC Personality Profiler (LPP) is the ideal tool as a basis for the development of your leaders and staff. It can also be created for teams and used in team workshops:

As a company or manager, use the full potential of your employees.

An example

The perfect preparation for an international business situation with the CULTURE-ID

The LINC CULTURE_ID is a comprehensive toolset for you if you want to develop your international business activities individually.

In a personal result report you can see which international personality style you have, as well as which of your behavioural preferences fit your target country and where there might be problems. In a coaching session based on the results, we work out together which internationally relevant competences you should still acquire and which roles you can take on in international teams? Other countries – other customs: Which strategies can help you avoid culture shock abroad? These and many other questions can be answered with the CULTURE_ID tools through reports and feedbacks personally tailored to you. Take a look at the sample report to get an idea of the depth of a report.

The LINC Personality Profiler in practice


Leadership development

A medium-sized German automotive supplier decides to set up a junior management programme for young high potentials who are to take over management positions in the company in the future. An integral part of this programme is a personality analysis with the LINC Personality Profiler. The tool is used to do the best possible justice to the individual development potentials, competences and motives of the participants.

Team development

Due to an organisational development measure, a logistics company is increasingly relying on teamwork in different business areas. There are more conflicts and communication problems in the teams and the cooperation in the teams, including the results, can be improved. Therefore, "LPP Team" is used as an analysis and development tool in the company. The cooperation in the teams improves significantly.

Personnel development / coaching

A German insurance company would like to support a newly appointed team leader individually in his new task. Therefore, the HR department decides to use the LINC Personality Profiler as part of a coaching session to identify personal topic areas for development, which are then worked on in the coaching session.

Personal development

A manager in a consumer goods company wants to take the next step in her career and has therefore set herself the goal of working on her personality and becoming more aware of her strengths and development potential. She completes the LINC Personality Profiler online and books an individual coaching session to go with it. Enthused by the individual and accurate results, she decides to also complete a two-day intensive workshop on personality development.

What benefit companies specially get from the LINC Personality Profiler


The Personality Profiler is an ideal tool for the development of your employees and leaders and it can be used excellently in team workshops with the extension „Team-CHECK“. You can not only map a personality profile of individual employees, but also of an entire team and put it into relation.

With the extension „Candidate-CHECK“ you can check the character traits, motives and competences of your applicants and compare them with predefined target profiles. When it comes to filling vacancies, as Executive Search Service „with a decisive difference“, we can provide you with holistic and sustainable support in choosing the right candidates.



Imagine this scenario:
All team members are capable and experts, but the team work is fraught with conflict. They just know it’s not working, it’s not what they want.

Would you like to know why it is not working and what you can do to make all members pull together and work for the same goals?

Through Team-CHECK I create awareness among team members of what is missing to ensure smooth teamwork.


You have shortlisted three candidates for an important position and want to check which of them is the best fit using a reliable standard.

With Candidate-CHECK or with a Personality Profiler you get a very good description of your candidate, her behavioural disposition and her motives why she works.

Imagine you want to hire a CFO and you don’t know how to ask if he is conscientious and takes care of the company’s finances conscientiously?

In a nutshell: with the results of the LPP and a subsequent development discussion will be:

How is the Personality Profiler structured


Online questionnaire

You will be provided with the tool via an online link

Processing time approx. 30 minutes

personalised report

Individual evaluation texts, graphics, recommendations for action and indications of development potentials

Feedback conversation

with me as a certified coach (duration 60 min)

Explanations & fit, development potentials

Coaching / Workshops

Individual measures coordinated and adapted to the results and objectives

See it as an opportunity to use effective personality development according to the latest psychological standards. Raise your personnel development and selection in the context of personality development to a sophisticated scientific level to enable reflection, understanding and growth. Contact me or book an appointment directly for a non-binding preliminary discussion.

I look forward to meeting you and supporting you in your personal or business development.

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Many questions are easier and quicker to clarify over the phone. Feel free to leave me your phone number and I will get back to you by phone.